Safety & Quality Engineering. These reasons alone are enough. You want to have confidence in the trike conversion kit fitted to your trike. Whether you build it or we do we have exactly the same attention to detail and quality of manufacture.
A look at the trike photo gallery on this website (click here) demonstrates the huge experiences and dedication we give to each of our trike conversions. Don’t you want that when you are riding down the road? Of course you do!
The team at Casarva has decades of engineering experience and a positive can do attitude and approach.
When we meet with you, the customer, you will be reassured about the high standards we set when it comes to the quality we produce, the service we provide and the design of our products.
All you need to do is contact us to find out more.

We are always available to help you with expert advice if you are building the trike with one of our popular DIY Kits. We can get you on the move quickly with your trike looking its best. We also understand our customers want the best quality craftsmanship and attention to detail at all stages of your trike manufacture. Whether we build it or you do, here at Casarva we guarantee this is exactly what you will receive.
Like what you see? Why not get in touch? Use the form below!
Speak to a specialist
Call us on. 01733 234 942
Email us at: or use our online form.
Visit us
Casarva Ltd
16 Axis Park, Orton Southgate
Peterborough, PE2 6UP
(Just off Junction 17 of the A1)