Casarva Honda NC750X DCT (Automatic) Trike
Casarva Honda Pan European ST1300 Trike with IRS and reverse gearbox
Casarva Honda Pan European ST1300 Trike with IRS and reverse gearbox
Casarva Honda Pan European ST1300 Trike with IRS and reverse gearbox
Casarva Triumph Rocket 3 Roadster IRS Trike with a 2.3 Litre Triple cylinder engine mated to a Casarva IRS Brute Trike Conversion, with a Quaife Reverse gearbox raked triple trees to ease the steering effort and lattice alloy wheels covered with the Casarva signature R3 wings
Casarva Victory 8 Ball trike supplied to the customer as a rolling chassis for completion means that all the fabrication work is done enabling the painting wiring and final build up to be done at home. This is a good way of reducing costs but retaining confidence that the trike is professionally mounted.
Casarva Yamaha Virago 1100 IRS trike with reverse gearbox and Casarva Stainless slash cut exhaust system and wheelchair rack
Casarva Victory 8 Ball trike supplied to the customer as a rolling chassis for completion means that all the fabrication work is done enabling the painting wiring and final build up to be done at home. This is a good way of reducing costs but retaining confidence that the trike is professionally mounted.
Casarva Yamaha Virago 535 IRS trike with reverse gearbox and Casarva Stainless slash cut exhaust system
Casarva Triumph Rocket 3 Roadster IRS Trike with a 2.3 Litre Triple cylinder engine mated to a Casarva IRS Brute Trike Conversion, with a Quaife Reverse gearbox raked triple trees to ease the steering effort and lattice alloy wheels covered with the Casarva signature R3 wings
Casarva Harley Davidson Electra Ultra Glide FLHTK trike